Volvo Cars x The Oscars
Client: Volvo Cars | 2023 | TVC
Volvo puts safety at the heart of everything they do. Similarly there's an entire ecosystem of people who work tirelessly behind the scenes of film sets to keep people safe while filming.
Unfortunately, The Academy doesn't recognize production workers, stunt coordinators, or really anyone on set besides talent and directors.
We feel that should change and so does Volvo.
Cue the Oscars. A moment every year where the entire nation watches as our favorite actors, actresses, and directors get recognized for their films.
This spot aired during the live 2023 broadcast with 18.7 million people watching.
The response on Twitter was awesome.
And I definitely teared up watching Melanie Ragone
live-react to seeing her face in our commercial and finally get some well-deserved recognition.
More to come to keep this conversation going.
Stay tuned...